maandag, maart 14, 2022
ARTIKEL: "Incarnatie en versnippering. De Franse verkiezingscyclus (april-juni 2022)", de Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied CXIII (2022), No. 2, 7-14
vrijdag, maart 11, 2022
INTERVIEW: Over Versailles als diplomatiek kruispunt (Radio 1, De Wereld Vandaag)
Gisteren was ik te gast bij De Wereld Vandaag (Ruth Roets) over Versailles als diplomatiek kruispunt, gelet op de informele Europese top die er plaatsgrijpt.
Het interview kan hier worden herbeluisterd.
donderdag, maart 10, 2022
ARTICLE: "Le théâtre de la guerre et la bataille d’Audenarde (11 juillet 1708)" [Actes des Journées Internationales d'histoire du droit et des institutions 2019, Société d'histoire du droit et des institutions des pays flamands, picards et wallons] (C@hiers du CRHiDI 43 (2021)) [OPEN ACCESS]
The battle of Oudenarde (11 July 1708) is one of the numerous defeats of the end of Louis XIV’s reign. The event seems disconnected from legal history. Yet, several layers of analysis allow to connect the battle to the constitutional systems of the belligerents, as well as to the law of nations. This article treats first the military confrontation of two mass armies, representing rulers from Granada to Königsberg, and the local perception of this sudden foreign military presence, through a satire on ‘French vanity and consternation’. In an ensuing stage, the German allies of Louis XIV and his opponents offer a perspective on the law of the Holy Roman Empire. Finally, the battle in itself being far from decisive, diplomatic manoeuvres announced the blueprint of the agreement that would bring the war to an end in 1713-1714. The interconnectedness of all ‘Theatres of War’ (Italy, Spain, Germany, Low Countries, Scotland) equally transpires in the iconography used in Schenk’s Schouwburg van den Oorlog.
Read the article in open access (DOI 10.25518/1370-2262.1360).
maandag, maart 07, 2022
EUTOPIA: Student reports Connected Learning Community Legal History: Minority Rights on Peak Event (CY Paris, 18-19 FEB 2022)
The students of the EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History:Minority Rights will report on the Peak Event where lecturers and students from the five partner institutions (UPF Barcelona, CY Paris, Ljubljana, VUB and Warwick) gathered physically on 18 and 19 February.
Read more on the EUTopia CoLeCo Legal History:Minority Rights blog.