woensdag, december 01, 2021

HOOFDSTUK: "Hefboom naar sociale hervormingen? Bekwaamheidskiesrecht als surrogaat voor algemeen stemrecht, 1883-1893", in: Koen NEVENS, Kristof SALOMEZ, Evelien TIMBERMONT & Guido VAN LIMBERGHEN (eds.), Liber Amicorum Wilfried Rauws. Werk opgedragen aan een onvolprezen jurist. (Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2021), 845-859. ISBN 9789400014183


(bron afbeelding: Intersentia)

Abstract (English):

The Law of 24 August 1883 created the possibility for holders of a degree of primary education to participate in local elections. This reform, sponsored by the last homogenous Liberal government, was an attempt to delay the introduction of universal male suffrage, linking intellectual aptitude to electoral capacity. The system lasted ten years, and foresaw the possibility to pass an exam and obtain the primary education degree. The Belgian press, official statistics and earlier historical research allow to map this curious phenomenon.

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