Ik sprak met Steven Elias (De Morgen, website) over de uitkomst van de Motion de censure van het NFP tegen de regering-Barnier. Meer informatie hier.
donderdag, december 05, 2024
woensdag, december 04, 2024
KRANT: over de motie van wantrouwen tegen de regering-Barnier (De Morgen, 4 DEC 2024)
Jorn Lelong (De Morgen) interviewde me over de motie van wantrouwen (motion de censure) van de linkse alliantie NFP tegen Premier Michel Barnier, zie hier.
dinsdag, december 03, 2024
RADIO: over artikel 49.3 (De Ochtend, Radio 1, 3 DEC 2024)
Ik sprak vanochtend met Ruth Joos (Radio 1, De Ochtend) over artikel 49.3 van de Franse Grondwet. Het gesprek kan hier worden herbeluisterd.
vrijdag, november 29, 2024
CONFERENCE: 40 ans du CHJ (Lille: Université de Lille/CNRS, 15 NOV 2024)
J'ai eu l'honneur de participer à une table-ronde à l'occasion du quarantième anniversaire du Centre d'histoire judiciaire (Université de Lille/CNRS), le 15 november 2024.
Une partie des interventions a été filmée. Elle est accessible sur le site du CHJ.
dinsdag, november 12, 2024
PERS: Bespreking François HOLLANDE, Le défi de gouverner (Paris: Perrin, 2024) (Denktank Minerva)
Ik las en besprak het boek van oud-president François Hollande Le défi de gouverner (Paris: Perrin, 2024) voor Denktank Minerva.
donderdag, oktober 17, 2024
PREFACE: "Pasquier et le régime parlementaire, lu par les Belges", in: Pierre ALLORANT, Jean-Baptiste PIERCHON & Raphaël CAHEN (dir.), Etienne-Denis Pasquier (1767-1862): Un parlementaire gallican sous la Restauration et la monarchie de Juillet [Droit & Science Politique] (Paris: Mare & Martin, 2024), 177-181, ISBN 9782386000796
Book abstract:
Étienne-Denis Pasquier fut l'un des hommes politiques les plus importants de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Ancien préfet de police de Paris (1810-1814), il fut député de la Seine puis pair de France sous la Restauration, tout en effectuant une riche carrière ministérielle (il fut garde des Sceaux à deux reprises puis ministre des Affaires étrangères, sous le règne de Louis XVIII). Pasquier se rallia ensuite à Louis-Philippe qui le nomma président de la Chambre des pairs (au mois d'août 1830) puis chancelier de France (en 1837). Contraint de quitter la vie politique à la suite de la Révolution de 1848, Étienne-Denis Pasquier consacra sa retraite à la rédaction de ses Mémoires (commencés en 1822) et à l'écriture de nombreux articles historiques et politiques (demeurés inédits). L'ambition de cet ouvrage est de revenir sur les aspects méconnus de la carrière de Pasquier, tout en apportant un éclairage nouveau sur son oeuvre institutionnelle, juridique et diplomatique.
I published a foreword to the section dedicated to Pasquier as political thinker and actor in the parliamentary game.
woensdag, oktober 02, 2024
CHAPTER: "De La Haye à Cambrai: Lenteur et impatience de la pacification entre métropoles et congrès (1720-1725)", in: Eric SCHNAKENBOURG (dir.), Le traité de Nystad et l’établissement de la paix en Europe dans les années 1720 [Enquêtes et Documents - Echanges, relations internationales & histoire du monde atlantique; 77] (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024), 167-184, ISBN 9782753598089, € 22
At the end of the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720), a general congress was convened to secure a permanent peace treaty between the Emperor and Philip V. The Congress of Cambrai, like the Congress of Soissons, was distinctive because it was held in the countryside, at a discreet distance from any major court or metropolis. The French and British mediators were theoretically supposed to act as neutral powers and guarantors of the Treaty of London (2 August 1718). However, Spanish trade had significant leverage. Philip V attempted to circumvent the treaty by sidelining the Emperor’s mediators. Although the theatres of the Great Northern War and the grievances from the War of the Spanish Succession were separate, the clash between the alliances of Vienna (April/May 1725) and Hanover (September 1725) drew Russia, Sweden, and Denmark into a new cycle of negotiation.
Buy the book here.
vrijdag, september 06, 2024
RADIO: Interview over de aanstelling van Michel Barnier als Eerste Minister (Radio 1/de Ochtend)
Ik sprak met Leen De Witte (Radio 1/de Ochtend) over de beslissing van President Emmanuel Macron om Michel Barnier aan te stellen als Eerste Minister. Herbeluister hier (vanaf 1:34).
donderdag, juli 25, 2024
ARTICLE: “Portalis e o direito das gentes” (transl. Arno DAL RI JR.) (Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais XVI (2024), 588-626) [OPEN ACCESS]
O artigo analisa as concepções presentes nos escritos do jurista francês Joseph-Marie Portalis acerca do direito das gentes e do direito da guerra no período em que se encontrava na Académie des sciences morales et politiques do Institut de France, em particular o relatório apresentado – enquanto avaliador – no âmbito do certame voltado a selecionar uma dissertação sobre o progresso do direito das gentes desde a Paz da Vestefália, notoriamente sobre os princípios morais subjacentes às regras que concernem a guerra e a paz, em 1841, e no opúsculo “Sur la guerre”, de 1856. Em ambos emergem concepções eminentemente conservadoras sobre as relações internacionais, o direito das gentes e os fenômenos bélicos, regidas por convicções jusnaturalistas de clara proveniência católica, que caracterizam determinados ambientes culturais da academia francesa da segunda metade do XIX século.
Read more here: DOI 10.14295/rbhcs.v16i32.16451.
vrijdag, juli 12, 2024
SOURCE: Brussels parties for peace (19 July 1725)
(Treaty of Navigation and Commerce between Charles VI and Philip V, 1 May 1725, CUD VIII/2)
La Paix dont il est question n'estant en general du tout du goût de ces peuples, nonobstant les avantages qu'on leur en fait esperer.
CaroLo seXto IMperatorI PrInCIpI sUo&PhILIppo qUInto paCIFICIs HIspanIae RegibUs, senatUs poULUsqUeBrUXeLLenSIsConjunxit Par una duos in foedera Reges;aternùm incolumen servit utrumque Deus !sic latè populis fulgebit amabilis atas,& par finitimis crescet oliva plagis
May God preserve both of them forever in safety!
Thus shall a lovable age shine widely upon peoples, and the olive of peace shall grow in neighboring regions.]
Ecoutez la publication des Traitez de Paix et de Commerce faits entre S[a] M[ajesté] I[mpériale] et C[atholique] et ce le Roi d'Espagne
When the treaties had been read out, the Roÿs d'Armes (heralds) shouted again three times:
Vive la Paix, vive S[a] M[ajesté] I[mpériale] et C[atholique] Charles VI. duc de Brabant
The audience responded with long roudns of applause and acclamations, sign -according to the source- "d'une allegresse universelle".
Daun's trip to church was carried out in a carriage, drawn by six horses, surrounded by uncovered footmen and pages, surrounded by the "Royal" gard of halberdiers. The dean and members of the chapter welcomed the Austrian minister. An impressive red carpet with golden stripes (galon) was laid out inside. The altar was embellished as for the feast of the Holy Sacrament's Miracle. The knights of the Golden Fleece had a separate carpet. A smaller separate bench was used for the Spanish Grandes. Councillors of State de longue robe had their bench at the same distance from the altar, preceding the "audienciers" and "Secretaires d'Etat". At the same level, but on the other side (coté de l'Evangile), the Council of Brabant and the Councillors of State de courte robe. The Accounts Chambers (Chambres des Comptes) of Flanders, Brabant and of the Emperor had two separate benchees. The City Magistrate closed off the "nef" of the Church.
The Spanish source also details how magnificent Beretti Landi's following appeared: habits de feste for his gentilhommes et officiers, but even the domestiques could count on a riche livrée d'Ecarlate couverte de galons d'argent (very lively scarlet red, with silver stripes). The foreign ministers were gathered on a stage in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, decorated with a tapestry.
Daun and his wife reappear at the Grand-Place around 6PM. Not only the city magistrate, but also the Estates of Brabant are present. Again, as earlier on the day, the artillery on the city's ramparts fired three times. Light was on at night, not only along the stately houses, but also the "Tour de St Michel", "ce qui donnoit un aspect tres agreable." The burgomaster (mayor, Charles van den Berghe Count of Limminge) started the archers' competition. A considerable number of arrows was fired, until the bird exploded. The three "pyramids" followed. The sound of explosions and gunshots ("décharges de Mousquetterie") went on for quite som time.
No disorder reported in the Leydse Courant for the "ambigu": several ladies were brought to the burgomaster's office, where they were served "avec tout l'ordre imaginable", "avec la derniere delicatesse". All many kinds of wine, liquor and refreshments were available "en grande profusion".
The event caused such a joy, according to the Spanish source, that Daun ordered a list of all "pauvres" prisoners in the various provinces of the Low Countries, in order to select those who would have merited pardon !
dinsdag, juli 09, 2024
MEDIA: TerZake (8 JUL 2024)
Ik was te gast bij TerZake (Annelies Beck) op 8 juli, over de verkiezingen voor de Assemblée Nationale. Zie opname hier.
maandag, juli 08, 2024
MEDIA: Franse verkiezingen (7-9 JUL 2024)
Ik stond De Morgen te woord op zondagavond 7 juli (hier, Ruben Dumon) en maandagochtend 8 juli (hier, Dieter Bauwens), de Volkskrant op maandagochtend 8 juli (hier, Iñaki Oñorbe Genovesi), alsook Het Nieuwsblad (hier, Renzo Vangenechten en hier, Siska Thuysbaert) en Knack (Kamiel Verleyen) op maandagmiddag 8 juli (hier).
Op dinsdag 9 juli publiceerde De Morgen een opiniestuk.
maandag, juli 01, 2024
MEDIA: Franse verkiezingen (11 JUN-1 JUL 2024: De Morgen, het Nieuwsblad, de Volkskrant)
Ik gaf duiding aan Het Nieuwsblad (29 mei, Tommy Huygebaert) De Morgen (23 juni, Jorn Lelong), Het Nieuwsblad (1 juli, Jesse Van Regenmortel) en de Volkskrant (expert-panel Frankrijk, 1 juli) en schreef een opiniestuk over de ontbinding van de Assemblée Nationale door Emmanuel Macron (De Morgen, 11 juni), alsook over de eerste ronde (De Morgen, 2 juli).
donderdag, juni 27, 2024
BLOG: "Verticaal het bord afvegen: over de Franse verkiezingen van 30 juni en 7 juli" (Nederland Rechtsstaat, 27 JUN 2024)
Ik schreef een blogbijdrage over de ontbinding van de Assemblée Nationale voor Nederland Rechtsstaat. Eerste zin:
"Na twee jaar regeren lijkt president Macron het op te geven. Met een paar zinnetjes op de nationale tv op 9 juni maakte hij een einde aan de legislatuur van 577 verkozen parlementsleden en gooide hij la politique de la nation (art. 20, Grondwet Vijfde Republiek) in de weegschaal."
Lees meer hier.
vrijdag, mei 31, 2024
CHAPTER: "Teaching the Law of Nations in King Leopold’s Foreign Office: Léon Arendt’s Droit des gens-course (1903)", in Raphaël CAHEN, Sara L. KIMBLE, Pierre ALLORANT, Walter BADIER & P. Sean MORRIS (dir.), Relations internationales et droit(s): acteurs, institutions et législations comparées - Law(s) and international relations: actors, institutions and comparative legislations (1815-1914) (Paris: Pedone, 2024), ISBN 9782233010674, pp. 169-199
This chapter explores Léon Arendt’s 1903 course on international law (Droit des gens), preserved in the Belgian State Archives. The manuscript provides insights into the legal training of Belgian diplomats during a period marked by imperialism, nationalism, and geopolitical uncertainty. Unlike formal publications, these course notes—intended for internal use—reflect practical instruction tailored to diplomats’ needs.
Arendt’s work emphasizes the historical evolution of international law, linking its origins to the Christian Middle Ages and highlighting its progressive development, particularly through treaties and conventions among “civilized” states. His analysis incorporates natural and positive law, arguing that international law relies on reason and consensus, though its application varies across states based on civilizational criteria.
Belgium’s diplomacy during the Belle Époque, including its role in shaping international law, is contextualized. Arendt connects this legacy to Leopold II's colonial ambitions, particularly in the Congo Free State, where international legal frameworks were used to justify exploitation under the guise of humanitarianism.
The chapter focuses on two key themes in Arendt’s treatise: the concept of neutrality and the interplay between diplomacy and international law. Arendt distinguishes between voluntary and perpetual neutrality, elaborating on states’ obligations and the influence of great power guarantees. He views war as a legitimate sanction for violations of neutrality and underscores the balance of power and public opinion as mechanisms for maintaining order.
Arendt’s course synthesizes legal doctrine and state practice, equipping diplomats with persuasive tools to navigate complex international relations. The text reflects the intersection of law, politics, and colonial interests, highlighting the enduring tension between moral ideals and pragmatic statecraft in early 20th-century diplomacy.
Source in open access here: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/E7HXS.
maandag, mei 27, 2024
INTERVIEW: over de Europese verkiezingen (de Tijd, 21 MEI 2024)
Ik werd geïnterviewd door Lieve Dierckx (de Tijd). Zie interview hier.
vrijdag, maart 01, 2024
PRE-ORDER: Georges MARTYN & Arno DAL RI JR (eds.), Métodos da historiografia do direito contemporânea. Olhares cruzados entre a Bélgica e o Brasil (Belo Horizonte/São Paolo: Editora D'Plácido, 2024), 430 p. ISBN 9786555897456
Fruto de projeto de pesquisa internacional desenvolvido entre o Ghent Legal History Institute, na Bélgica, e o Ius Commune – Grupo de História da Cultura Jurídica da UFSC, a presente coletânea é composta por artigos focados nas metodologias da historiografia jurídica atualmente aplicadas entre Bélgica e Brasil, por meio do estudo comparado de fontes arquivísticas, doutrinárias, diplomáticas e iconográficas. Apresenta os múltiplos caminhos da história do direito contextual, salientando que o direito compõe uma cultura mais ampla, com suas idossincrasias, mas sobretudo muito “direito comum”, não no estrito senso do ius commune medieval. São inúmeros os transplantes, enriquecidos por uma historiografia moldada por uma cultura sem fronteiras. É nesse sentido que espera se tornar um catalizador para futuros intercâmbios de ideias e de perspectivas, de conhecimento e de métodos.
The work contains a translation and comment by dr. Airton Ribeiro da Silva jr. (Helsinki) of an article published by your humble servant in 2013 (with the gracious permission of the editor).
See publisher's website for a 20% rebate.