maandag, maart 04, 2019

ARTIKEL: 'Het jonge België los van het 'droit public de l’Europe'? Reflecties bij een cassatiearrest van januari 1848, Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht 2019/2, pp. 48-60

(image source: Kluwer)

Abstract (English):
In January 1848, the at that time highest court of the realm decided to reject a demand of the Belgian state to overturn a decision by the Ghent Court of Appeal dating back to March 1846. The case concerned the sale in 1819 of a farm which ought to belong to the parish of Middelburg in East Flanders. To resolve the case, the Court of Cassation judged that only those international laws which have been formally accepted by the Belgian Parliament, pursuant to art. 68 old of the Belgian Constitution, could constitute a basis for cassation. I develop on this point by elaborating on the rise of national sovereignty and the pluralist, value-indifferent international order of positivist 19th century international law. Next, I treat the imposed neutrality, settled between the Great Powers, outside of the constitutional framework. Finally, I point to more adventurous legal developments at the turn of the 19th century.

More information here or on Jurisquare.

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