woensdag, augustus 09, 2023

CHAPTER: "Armée, gendarmerie, garde civique. Les gardiens de la Constitution belge face aux citoyens", in: O. FERREIRA & F. HOARAU (dir.), Forces armées, gardiennes des institutions et des libertés [Rencontres] (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023), 137-155, ISBN 9782406150626


(image source: Classiques Garnier)

The Belgian Revolution of 1830 associates the people to regime change. The Civic Guard, created at this juncture, further evolves within a bourgeois context, with furthermore unequal capacity in local government across the country. We study the genesis of the triad "army - gendarmerie - civic guard" and its evolution in the Belle Époque. The civic guard's end after World War One and the effective introduction of conscription create a new relationship between citizens and soldiers.

Thanks to VUB student-researchers Max Van den Bosch and Senne De Kerpel.

More information here

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